Framework Agreements




Subject of co-operation Effective from
Východoslovenská energetika a.s. Mlynská 31, Košice Cooperation in science and research and on the field of education of both partners, solving VSE technical and operational problems, and solving issues focused on intensification of FEI TU in Kosice pedagogical activities. 1992-11-06
SEZ Krompachy a.s. Hornádska 1, Krompachy Mutual cooperation in electrical engineering, power engineering, computer science and related fields. 1995-03-23
ICOS, a.s. Košice Južná trieda 44, Košice R&D activities related to information technologies; consultancy and expertise services. 1998-02-05
Contineo s.r.o. (predtým TTC Telecom) Jiskrova 4, Košice Mutual cooperation in telecommunications, electronics, informatics and related fields. 1998-07-01
Tepláreň Košice a.s. Teplárenská 3, Košice Cooperation in science and research activities and on the field of education of both partners. 2000-01-20
ABB , s.r.o. Tuhovská 29, Bratislava Mutual cooperation oriented to the areas of interest covered by the Parties and for the purpose of better qualified, more efficient and faster, mutually coordinated solutions to their own tasks and common interest: in educational activities and scientific research and engineering activities 2000-01-26
Slovenské elektrárne, a.s. (Elektráreň Vojany) Vojany Cooperation in science and research and on the field of education of both partners. 2001-05-11
Slovenské elektrárne, a.s. (Vodné elektrárne Dobšiná) Hnilecká 917, Dobšiná Cooperation in science and research and on the field of education of both partners. 2001-05-11
Koger, Inc. 12 Route 17 North, Paramus, New York, USA Agreement on intellectual property the independent entrepreneur. 2002-12-21
Hakel spol. s r.o. Bratři Štefanů 980, Hradec Králové,ČR Cooperation and exchange of experience resulting from the educational process and research in the field of surge protection through the exchange of experiences among professors, teachers, head executives officers and students, as well as at joint research projects. 2003-04-23
RPIC Prešov Raymanova 9, Prešov Cooperation in promoting the results of FEI TU Kosice scientific research tasks in practice, cooperation on training activities prepared by both sides aimed at developing small and medium enterprises in the Presov region, cooperation in the activities of the Technology incubator centre, founded by the RAIC. 2003-06-17
EL-REKO, s.r.o. Tajovského 3, Košice Cooperation and exchange of experience in the educational process of research in the field of surge protection through the exchange of experiences among professors, teachers, head executives and students, as well as at joint research projects. 2003-07-04
Ústav geotechniky SAV v Košiciach Watsonova 45, Košice Mutual interest in cooperation in solving problems of basic research, scientific and technical development tasks and challenges for practices that are interdisciplinary in nature and that allow the application of knowledge from Electrical Engineering and Informatics in mineralurgy and geotechnics. Cooperation in science and research in the educational process and in joint operations. 2004-03-24
BSH Drives and Pumps s.r.o. Továrenská 2, Michalovce Cooperation in education, professional training, retraining and lifelong learning of the staff in improving and streamlining production in scientific research activities, development activities and other activities of mutual interest. 2005-10-25
AmiTel, s r.o. L. Svobodu 73, Poprad The subject of cooperation is common practice in the construction, operation, deployment and use of electronic communications networks and associated services. 2005-12-29
pFlow, s.r.o. Moyzesova 58, Košice Mutual cooperation in the field of teaching, research and development, in the form of corporate internships and other forms of cooperation. 2006-02-14
Vodohospodársa výstavba, š.p. Karloveská 2, Bratislava Cooperation in solving energy problems in the development, construction and operation of energy works, including their energy use. 2007-01-18
BWG k.s. Dilongova 15A, Prešov Cooperation in the field of education, engineering activities, research and development activities. 2007-05-25
ELCOM, spoločnosť s ručením obmedzeným, Prešov Jesenná 26, Prešov Cooperation in the field of education, engineering activities, research and development activities. 2008-10-23
Bankovní institut vysoká škola Ovenecá 9/380, Praha, ČR Cooperation in the preparation and implementation of activities in teaching, scientific research, publishing and editorial activities. 2009-07-09
Východoslovenská energetika a.s. Mlynská 31, Košice The aim of cooperation is to support research and teaching at TUKE, create the conditions for boosting the potential for possible projects and research plans based on a combination of theoretical and practical experience in the development and implementation of promotion projects and supporting plans, coordination of information and marketing effort to promote a positive image of both sides, guaranteeing academic adolescents as well as ensuring and improving the quality of education at TUKE. 2010-04-15
Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University Polytechnicheskaya st. 29, Saint-Petersburg, Russia Cooperation in research and development in the field of electric power engineering and high voltage equipment, introduction of new theoretical knowledge and results into practice, cooperation with the administration and implementation of projects from various programmes of the European Community and Russia, joint articles in scientific publications and professional journals. 2011-05-20
Energo Consulting, s.r.o. Vojenská 6, Košice Mutual cooperation in scientific research and testing activities, training courses and training, ideological support, exchange of information and data, exchange of know-how. 2011-08-22
DATAKON, s.r.o. Rozvojová 2, Košice Mutual cooperation in scientific research and development activities, higher education and continuing education and other activities of mutual interest. 2011-06-27
Východoslovenská distribučná, a.s. Mlynská 31, Košice Cooperation primarily in the issue of the impact of consumption and resources to the distribution system, the issue of operating distribution systems, assessing the quality of electricity, solving optimisation problems, losses in the distribution systems, calculation of static and dynamic stability of the power system, theoretical support for modelling elements and phenomena in the distribution system, lecturing and training including preparation. 2011-12-12
Východoslovenská energetika a.s. Mlynská 31, Košice Cooperation primarily in the issue of the impact of consumption and resources to the distribution system, the issue of operating distribution systems, assessing the quality of electricity, solving optimisation problems, losses in the distribution systems, calculation of static and dynamic stability of the power system, theoretical support for modelling elements and phenomena in the distribution system, lecturing and training including preparation. 2012-01-20
E.I.C. Engineering inspection company s.r.o. Urbánkova 13, Prešov Support the educational process at FEI TU Kosice, design and implementation of joint projects, coordination of information and marketing effort to promote a positive image of both partners, satisfying the needs of young ones for E.I.C. 2012-03-08
METOD, n.o. Stakkayho 1, Košice Cooperation in the field of development research activities, improving the educational level of the society, innovation of learning processes, access and utilisation of the global innovative potential to support the development of international cooperation in the framework of pan-European educational and research space. 2014-03-28
Technologický klaster pre využívanie zemských zdrojov z.p.o. Rampová 6, Košice Cooperation especially in the field of research and technological development for the systematic and global exploitation of earth resources, engineering, project support for new technology transfer and the supply of new equipment for production systems and robotised workstations related to the use of earth resources, vocational training and training of specialists for research and development of new technologies, participation in professional and international associations, etc. 2015-04-10
SEMIKRON, s.r.o. Šteruská 3, Vrbové Cooperation in scientific research, development and educational activities focused on the areas of development of novel quality of connection in electronics. 2015-05-06
Slovenský metrologický ústav Karloveská 63, Bratislava Mutual cooperation in scientific research and development activities, in the preparation and implementation of research projects, in refining education and skills of employees. Cooperation on mutual use of research centres and laboratories, their accessories and technical equipment, as well as the possibility of organising field practices and exchange of experts. 2015-07-09
Výskumný ústav spojov, n.o. Zvolenská cesta 20, Banská Bystrica Cooperation in ensuring the educational process in the field of scientific research activities, cooperation in the activities of an international character, etc. 2015-10-27
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