PhD Study conducted in English at FEI TUKE
The doctorate degree study programme (3rd degree) at Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Technical University of Košice (FEI TUKE) is focused on the acquirement of knowledge based on the actual state of scientific knowledge and mostly on the individual contribution of the student to this knowledge, which is a result of a scientific research and individual creative activity in the field of science or technique. By attaining higher qualifications, including knowledge of foreign languages, Ph.D. graduates will significantly increase their career opportunities.
The doctoral study at Technical University of Košice (TUKE) is pursuant to act No. 131/2002 Z.z. o vysokých školách a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov, in accordance with Study and Examination Code for Students of the TUKE, Rules of Doctoral Study at the TUKE, Admission Procedures and Conditions of Study for Foreigners and the guidelines of individual faculties.
The standard length of the doctorate studies is 4 years in full time form and 5 years in external form. The graduates are granted the academic title "philosophiae doctor" ("PhD." in abbreviation).
To be eligible for admission to doctoral study, applicants need to hold a master degree (not a bachelor degree) in the same discipline or a related field. Admission to the programme is at the discretion of the Dean of the Faculty on the basis of the results of the selection procedure. Experience in the chosen field is not a condition of admission, and there are no age restrictions. Students in their final year of studies may also apply, their admission is conditional on graduation.
The Supervisor is appointed by the Dean. Supervisors are professors, associate professors (docents). It is possible, with the agreement of the Supervisor and the appropriate Branch Board, to complete the study programme in a shorter time. The studies take place according to an individual study plan. The individual study plan is specified by the Supervisor, after the doctoral student has expressed his/her agreement with it.
Fulfilment of the coursework component (a study block) of the individual plan is completed by passing the prescribed examinations and by presenting and defending a specialised study (written report) on the current state of the subject in the world. It also comprises presentation of student's research work to scientific community.
After successful termination of the study block, having passed the exam in English, it is possible to apply for the final comprehensive doctoral examination, in which the student should demonstrate his/her specialised theoretical knowledge, methods of scientific work, and the ability to acquire new scientific knowledge and to apply it creatively. This examination is conducted by the Board of Examiners for Comprehensive Doctoral Examination (Komisia pre štátnu doktorandskú skúšku).
Successful completion of this examination is a pre-requisite for the presentation and defence of the doctoral thesis. This thesis is a result of the solution of a specific scientific task; it proves the capability of a doctoral student to independently create his/her own work and must include original achievements of scientific work published by the author of the dissertation or results accepted for publication. The doctoral thesis must contain original new findings. The presentation and defence of the work is conducted by the Board for the Defence of a Doctoral Thesis (Komisia pre obhajobu dizertačnej práce), and is open to the public. A single re-submission is allowed in the case of an unsuccessful final examination or an unsuccessful presentation and defence of the doctoral thesis. Based on the regular completion of study in a Ph.D. Programme, degree of "Doctor" (abbreviated to "Ph.D.") is obtained from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics.
Doctoral studies can be prematurely ended by the student, on the basis of a written application. In the case of long-term neglect of responsibilities, the studies can be ended by a decision of the Dean.
Tuition fees for foreign students studying in the English language
Tuition fees are paid by foreign Ph.D. students studying in English both in full-daily time and external forms.
The tuition fee for a foreign Ph.D. student studying in English is determined by Rector's directive ( It is PR/TUKE/07/19); the actual height of the fee for one academic year (two semesters) is 7000 €. The exact height of the fee specifies the Dean in the contract (agreement) with the student. The Dean is empowered to shorten this fee up to excuse under special circumstances and with released written arguments. Accommodation, board and health insurance are arranged and covered by these doctoral students themselves.
Ph.D. daily students studying in Slovak language do not pay any fee. The foreigner applying for admission to an accredited study program in the Slovak language must prove his/her sufficient knowledge of the language to be able to study:
- by submitting a document proving the secondary school-leaving or state examination in the Slovak language, or
- by proving during the FEI TUKE admission procedure that he/she can speak Slovak.