Cooperation with the Industry
Presently, cooperation with the industry includes especially such packets of issues as concluding general agreements or commercial contracts with business entities, procurement of out-of -budget finances, building of the faculty laboratories, and development of public relations. These are some of the reasons for which is the faculty a member of the Slovak republic Association of Electro-technical Industry. To intensify cooperation with the practice established has been the FEI Industrial Board, which is to render to the business public an open platform for discussions focused upon resolving their problems and needs, for establishing incentives for transfer of technologies from scientific-research institutions to practice, and for influencing forming of the faculty graduate professional profile.
Cooperation with business entities based on economic agreements
The Faculty has nowadays concluded 47 cooperation agreements with the business community entities. Business activities of the Faculty primarily revolve around providing services that pertain with the faculty core activities, i.e. education, research, and development. Within cooperation with the practice are activities of solvers primarily focused on the following:
a) In the field of education
- Trainings of the principals' employees in specialised activities
- Special-purpose courses in strictly defined areas
- Training in the agreed upon domain of science and engineering
- Lecturing on specialised themes from the field of development and practice
- Assigning, resolving and masterminding closing theses further to specification of the principal, elaborating review opinions about closing theses
- Securing excursions for students into some companies
- Securing summer stays of FEI students
- Support of students' scientific and professional competitions
b) In the field of engineering activities
- Analyses
- Simulations
- Studies
- Manufacturing and processing lines
- Measurements
- Expertises
c) In the field of research and development activities
- Implementing modern methods of controlling
- Consultations for the PhD students
- Counselling in development
- Development of software packages
- Development of prototypes and devices
When attempting to provide a list of business entities cooperating with FEI one can compile only a short list of the chronically known companies such as: Siemens LLC Bratislava, Slovenský plynárenský priemysel, JSC Volkswagen Slovakia, JSC Bratislava, Koger, Embraco Slovakia, BSH Drivers and Pumps, Telegrafia LLC, Slovak Telekom, JSC Bratislava, Slovenské elektrárne JSC, Tepláreň Košice, JSC, Elektrovod a.s, VÚJE JSC Trnava, Energo control LLC, Východoslovenská energetika, JSC, ABB Switzerland Ltd., SEZ Krompachy JSC, U.S. Steel Košice LLC, Slovenská elektrizačná a prenosová sústava, JSC Bratislava, T-Systems Slovakia, LLC, Košice, Mondi Bussines paper SCP, Ružomberok, JSC, elfa, LLC Košice, MEDAV GmbH Uttenreuth, Kybernetika, LLC, BWG, k.s. Ľubotice, Bukocel , JSC Hencovce, Areva T&D, LLC Bratislava, Stroptel, JSC, Inžinierske stavby, JSC Košice, Kovohuty Krompachy, Senzor Košice, LLC